Sunday, December 29, 2013

One sentence journal, Dec. 22 – 28

Back from surgery

Time marches on . . .

12/22, Sunday. I do not recommend catching a plane out of Grand Island, Nebraska, in the morning darkness of 6:40 a.m. with the rental car registering 15 degrees on the dashboard and you’re stepping out onto the parking lot into a breeze straight off the northern prairie.

12/23, Monday. A postponed anniversary is observed tonight with candlelight, wine, homemade pizza, and reflections on 48 years together.

12/24, Tuesday. Still half on Nebraska time and swilling down Robitussin at regular intervals to subdue the effects of a recent visit to the winter virus belt, I have to keep remembering that somehow it got to be Christmas Eve.

12/25, Wednesday. Amused as I realize in the middle of opening Christmas gifts that both of us are already reading our new books.

12/26, Thursday. The mountains all in shades of velvet blue today, and I’m traversing streets named for Dinah Shore and Ginger Rogers to the hospital in Rancho Mirage named for a five-star general, Eisenhower, to retrieve the star of my own brief life who waits in surgery recovery for a ride back home.

12/27, Friday. The microwave stages a comeback after going dead on Christmas Eve, expiring with one last word “WARM” on its control panel, then waiting for me to discover two days later that somehow the plug had mysteriously worked its way out of the outlet.

12/28, Saturday. When you’re in your sixth day of a cold, you find your focus drawn to chicken soup recipes, getting out the slow cooker, and rummaging in the kitchen for ingredients.

Image credit: Ron Scheer

Coming up: Top 10 recent frontier fiction


  1. Reading new books! Hurrah. Sorry about the viruses. My son wasn't able to come up today for our Christmas because he and his girlfriend are both sick with the flu.

  2. Ron, I hope you're feeling better now. A belated Happy Anniversary to you and your wife—48 years is awesome! I wish you both many more.

  3. "When you’re in your sixth day of a cold, you find your focus drawn to chicken soup recipes, getting out the slow cooker, and rummaging in the kitchen for ingredients. "
    I find myself looking for and trying variant toddy recipes. Is this a significant cultural difference across the Atlantic?
    Hmmm... chicken soup toddy, perhaps.

  4. Hopefully we will be spending out 47th anniversary in Palm Springs in January! And I am hoping no colds. On my 44th, I lost a filling in La Jolla.

  5. When I get a book for Christmas, I could easily end up reading half of it right then and there among the wrapping paper if I didn't have family around me to wake me up and hand me another present. :)

    A belated Merry Christmas, and happy anniversary, too!

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