Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ten-best forgotten books of 2013

Every Friday, book lovers gather at Patti Abbott’s blog where links to their reviews of favorite “forgotten books” are posted. Many of the books are from pulp fiction and genre writers of the mid-twentieth century.

My contributions are mostly reviews of westerns and frontier fiction, some dating back 100 years. Looking over the past 12 months, I’m picking ten of them that were my “best of the year.” Here they are in no particular order (click through for my reviews):

For more of Friday's Forgotten Books, click on over to Patti Abbott's blog.

Coming up: Glossary of frontier fiction


  1. Destry rides again is the only one I know anything about. At least before you wrote of them.

  2. I am going to have to go back and re-read the Troll Garden, which many (many many) years ago disappointed me. Compared to her other work I found some of the stories carping and judgmental.

    But speaking as a native Midwesterner who now lives on the upland corn prairie, very evocative of time and place.

    1. The Troll Garden has a young writer's bitterness about her roots on the prairie. There is some of that again years later in One of Ours (1922), if I remember correctly.

  3. Ron, you introduced me to some fine westerns this year and I'll be around next year for a fresh crop of frontier fiction. I hope to read the books of Max Brand and Zane Grey in coming months.
