Below is a list of mostly forgotten terms, people, and the occasional song, drawn from a reading of frontier fiction, 1880–1915. Each week a new list, progressing through the alphabet, “from A to Izzard.”
gad = a goad; point or stick used for driving draught
animals. “He poked ’er in the ribs with the butt o’ his gad.” Frederick
Thickstun Clark, In the Valley of Havilah.
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Gainsborough portrait |
gag = a deception. “No, ma’am; you don’t run any such gag
as that on me.” Dell Munger, The Wind Before the Dawn.
gage d’amour = a
pledge of love; a love token. “I fancy Mrs. Belknap thinks as you thought,—that
it was a gage d’amour.” Charles King, Dunraven Ranch.
Gainsborough hat = a woman’s broad-brimmed hat resembling those shown in portraits by Thomas
Gainsborough (1727-1788). “Mrs. Ballinger was with her in gorgeous raiment, as
usual, this time I think some sort of a figured silk in soft pink and blue with
a wide Gainsborough hat.” Patience Stapleton, Babe Murphy.
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Man in gaiters, 1901 |
gaiters = shoes or overshoes extending to the ankle or above.
“‘What’s the matter with these old shoes?’ she exclaimed, turning about with a
pair of half-worn silk gaiters in her hand.” Frank Norris, McTeague.
gaillardia =
an American flower of the daisy family,
cultivated for its bright red and yellow blossoms. “The gold of yellow midsummer
light dyed in the asters and sunflowers and great flowered gaillardias and
golden rod, with an odor of dried grasses or mint or cloves.” Agnes C. Laut, The
Freebooters of the Wilderness.
galley-west = askew,
confused, lopsided, scattered
in all directions. “That scheme was knocked
galley-west and crooked.” Bertrand Sinclair, Raw Gold.
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Gailardia suavis |
galligaskins = loose
trousers, leggings. “Some of the infantrymen got tired of sewing up
three-cornered tears in their galligaskins.” Frederic Remington, John Ermine
of the Yellowstone.
gallinipper = a
stinging or biting insect. “That what I'm payin' you for, you blame
gallinipper!” Jackson Gregory, Under Handicap.
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Boy, single gallows, 1840s |
Galloway = a Scottish breed of beef cattle having a coat of curly, black hair. “Again it was a black steer that was released—a hornless galloway, as wild as a native buffalo and as fleet as an ordinary horse.” Kate and Virgil Boyles, The Homesteaders.
gallows / gallus = a pair or one of a pair of suspenders (braces), to support the trousers. “A full-lipped, full-blooded little urchin, his trousers held up by a single gallows, stood beside her.” Willa Cather, The Troll Garden.
gallows / gallus = a pair or one of a pair of suspenders (braces), to support the trousers. “A full-lipped, full-blooded little urchin, his trousers held up by a single gallows, stood beside her.” Willa Cather, The Troll Garden.
gally = distasteful, impudent. “It’ll be good riddance of
bad rubbish. They’re too gally.” Eleanor Gates, Alec Lloyd, Cowpuncher.
gambade = a leap or bound. “What I ought to do now is to
gambade after him.” S. Carleton Jones, Out of Drowning Valley.
gamboge = a gum resin used as a purgative. “If I’m sick and
have to depend on myself, all right. I’ll dose up with lobelia or gamboge.”
Harry Leon Wilson, The Lions of the Lord.
gammon = chatter. “No gammon now, fellers; everybody sings
that knows her.” Edgar Beecher Bronson, The Red-Blooded.
gangue = the commercially valueless material in which ore is
found. “The poor ore can’t help itself, any more than the slag and gangue can,
and Mark’s not either of those, you bet.” Gertrude Atherton, Perch of the
ganted = gaunt, thin; poor; diminished. “I weigh one ninety
when I’m ganted down to workin’ trim.” Robert Alexander Wason, Happy
Ganymede = cup bearer to Zeus; barkeeper. “I hereby apprises our honored barkeep that the camp’s honing’ to yoonite in a libation to your health, Jack,’ concludes Cherokee, motionin’ to Black Jack, ‘as the Ganymede of the establishment the rest remains with you.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville Folks.
garden sass = vegetables, particularly those used in making sauces. “Its only garden was a spacious patch of cabbages and ‘garden sass’ three or four hundred yards down toward the edge of the forest.” Charles G. D. Roberts, The Backwoodsmen.
garden sass = vegetables, particularly those used in making sauces. “Its only garden was a spacious patch of cabbages and ‘garden sass’ three or four hundred yards down toward the edge of the forest.” Charles G. D. Roberts, The Backwoodsmen.
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Gatling gun |
Gat = a gun, short
for Gatling gun. “If you’ll just stick me up and extract the .38 automatic I’m
packin’ on my hip,—and, believe me, she’s a bad Gat. when she’s in action,—why, I’ll feel lots better.” Henry Herbert Knibbs, Overland Red.
gated = to be confined to a school or college’s grounds. “He
hated getting out of bed, and he was constantly gated for morning chapel.”
Gilbert Parker, Northern Lights.
gazabo = a fellow, a
guy (derogatory). “‘That long, stoop-shouldered gazabo’s got the stuff on him,’
he growled.” Bertrand Sinclair, Raw Gold.
G. B. = grand bounce, dismissal. “And whichever of us
mule-skinners happens t’ be bringin’ it in’ll git the G. B. from that high-falutin’
gent in the States that owns the shootin’-match. No, ma’am!” Eleanor
Gates, Alec Lloyd, Cowpuncher.
gee = voice command
to horses or oxen to go right; haw, go left. “He watched the
driver gee his train with a steady pull
on the rod and haw it with two
swift, strong jerks.” A. B. Ward, The Sage Brush Parson.
geeswax = a mild expletive for “Jesus.” “If ’twould ease the
Parson any to talk, by geeswax, he would stand it!” A. B. Ward, The Sage
Brush Parson.
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Henry George |
George, Henry =
an American writer, politician, and
political economist (1839-1897). “It will be a hundred years before Henry
George is recognized as a great man.” Gertrude Atherton, Los Cerritos.
German = a
cotillion, a complex dance in which one couple leads the other couples through
a variety of figures and there is a continual change of partners. “The
evolutions of their ‘grand march’ are too intricate for description, and would
completely bewilder a fashionable leader of the German.” Charles Lummis, A
Tramp Across the Continent.
get down and scratch =
to take notice. “But she had a head on
her, Barbie had, an’ when she got squared away, she made ’em all get down an’
scratch.” Robert Alexander Wason, Happy Hawkins.
get the bulge on =
take advantage. “I guess the half-breed’s
got the bulge on us.” Ridgwell Cullum, The Story of the Foss River Ranch.
ghost walker =
a person who feigns or fabricates an
assignment. “‘High brows,’ ‘dreamers,’ ‘ghost walkers,’ ‘barkers,’ ‘biters,’
‘muck-rakers!’ Oh, he knew the choice names that lawless greed cast at such as
he.” Agnes C. Laut, The Freebooters of the Wilderness.
Giant = dynamite
produced by Giant Power Company. “They sets a kag o’ that Giant on the stove to
warm it, and it goes off on ‘em and tears everything to pieces.” Mary Hallock
Foote, The Led-Horse Claim.
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Gibbous moon |
gibbous = a lunar phase between half and full moon. “A year
has gone and the moon is bright, A gibbous moon, like a ghost of woe.” Robert
W. Service, The Spell of the Yukon.
gillon = a day too stormy for loggers to work. “At one
o’clock the boss called ‘gillon,’ and with loud shouts and rough horse-play,
the men made a rush for the bunk-house.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
gimlet = a rider so inexperienced he makes a horse’s back sore. “I’m not afraid of any man in your outfit, from the gimlet to the big auger.” Andy Adams, Cattle Brands.
gin-pole = a rigid pole with a pulley on the end used for the purpose of lifting. “The little loading donkey puffed and tooted, directing its towering gin-pole which picked and chose uncannily among the logs, grappling many-ton timbers with its two drag-hooks, placing them here and there as a deft woman packs a trunk.” Vingie Roe, The Heart of Night Wind.
gin-pole = a rigid pole with a pulley on the end used for the purpose of lifting. “The little loading donkey puffed and tooted, directing its towering gin-pole which picked and chose uncannily among the logs, grappling many-ton timbers with its two drag-hooks, placing them here and there as a deft woman packs a trunk.” Vingie Roe, The Heart of Night Wind.
ginger = to enliven. “He
tried to ginger things up a bit when he was new here.” Will Lillibridge, Ben
Ginger jar |
ginger jar =
a porcelain container, originating in
China, used for spices, as gifts, and decorative objects; used for the deposit
of weekly “rent” in a popular novel, The Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs.
Aleshine (1886) by Francis Richard Stockton. “And I suppose there is
no ginger jar on the mantelpiece.” Mary Etta Stickney, Brown of Lost River.
gird at = to jeer or jibe. “‘N-o,’ hesitated the lawyer,
divided between a desire to gird at the doctor, or to soothe his civic pride.”
Alice Harriman, A Man of Two Countries.
give a Roland for someone’s Oliver = to
give equal in return for something received; from the fight to a draw between
the fictional knights Roland and Oliver. “‘I do,’ said I; but I thought to give
this quiet man a Roland for his Oliver, seeing he was so much of a sphinx, and
I said no more save that.” Frederick Niven, The Lost Cabin Mine.
give someone cards and spades = to allow someone else
an advantage. “Now, that cave man I read about the other day could give us
cards and spades.” Marion Reid-Girardot, Steve of the Bar-G Ranch.
give the mitten =
to break up with or reject a lover. “You
are going to give me the mitten, and make me the laugh of the whole Junction,
and all the girls will say that Frank Field jilted me.” Elizabeth Higgins, Out
of the West.
give the office = to
give a signal or hint. “Bryant gave me the office that some outlaws have come
down from Utah.” Roger Pocock, Curly.
give the rinky dink =
cheat or swindle a person. “But, say, Mrs.
Bridger, you—you ain’t a-goin’ to give the rinky-dink to the Sheriff?” Eleanor
Gates, Alec Lloyd, Cowpuncher.
glaireous =
like egg white. “His face became a dull,
bloodless gray, glistening glaireously with clammy sweat.” James Hendryx, The
glame = natural vitality involving the most vigorous impulse
of the life-principle (from Book of General Membership of the Ralston Health
Club, 1898). “If you think you can gather some of the gangleonic glame
from the aromatic damsels skirting the banks of the San Isabel, you go.” John
C. Bell, The Pilgrim and the Pioneer.
glance = a shiny sulfide ore of lead, copper, or other metal.
“‘D’you mean they’ve found copper glance?’ ‘At a depth of sixty feet? Not
exactly.’” Gertrude Atherton, Perch of the Devil.
glanders = a
destructive and contagious bacterial disease of horses. “He had a call for a
case of a mare with glanders.” Ridgwell Cullum, The Sheriff of Dyke Hole.
glim = a candle, lantern. “‘I’ll have to douse the glim,’
he explained, ‘since I’ll be out around town, and someone might wonder who’s
here.’” Adeline Knapp, The Well in the Desert.
glory hole =
an open pit produced by surface mining.
“Days and days he toiled, and plied the yellow-streaked ore in a great heap by
the glory hole.” Dennis H. Stovall, The Gold Bug Story Book.
go bail = to be absolutely certain. “They’s lots o’ folks ’t
can easier drop a tear as a penny, but you ain’t that sort, I’ll go bail to
say.” Frederick Thickstun Clark, In the Valley of Havilah.
go cart = a hand cart; a one- two- or four-wheeled vehicle
that can be pushed by a person; a stroller, baby walker. “Other men, exulting
secretly, piled their goods on two-wheeled go-carts and pulled out blithely
enough, only to stall at the first spot where the great round boulders invaded
the trail.” Jack London, A Daughter of the Snows.
go off the hooks =
to die. “I’m not saying you’ll go off the
hooks, like some I could mention in your own bunch, but if the man comes along
you’ll fall in love all right.” Gertrude Atherton, Perch of the Devil.
go it! = a general
exclamation of encouragement; Go for it! “‘Hi, Corazon! Go it, boy!’ they
yelled.” George Pattullo, The Untamed.
go the pace =
to proceed with reckless vigor; to indulge
in dissipation. “Often they are men with less power of grasping matters of
simple finance and arithmetic than the reckless undergraduate, absorbed in
‘going the pace’.” Martin Allerdale Grainger, Woodsmen of the West.
go to grass =
a dismissive exclamation demanding that
someone leave or suggesting that they are talking nonsense. “Y’u go to grass,
Mac. I don’t aim to ask y’u to be my valley yet awhile.” William MacLeod Raine,
go to Halifax =
a mild oath for “go to hell.” “‘Y’u go to
Halifax,’ returned Mac genially over his shoulder as he loped away.” William
MacLeod Raine, Wyoming.
go to hell across lots =
a curse sending someone directly to
eternal punishment. “He was ready to ‘unsheathe his bowie knife’ and send
apostates ‘to hell across lots.’” Harry Leon Wilson, The Lions of the Lord.
go to Jericho =
a euphemism for “go to hell.” “‘You go to
Jericho, will you!’ snaps Jabez. ‘You don’t need to think that I’d try to argue
any man on earth into workin’ for me.’” Robert Alexander Wason, Happy Hawkins.
God’s acre =
a churchyard or burial ground. “Curious to
learn what distinguished person had found his last resting place here, she
entered God’s Acre.” Therese Broderick, The Brand.
going tick =
buying on credit. “They get terrible
behind, goin’ tick for all they must have.” Elizabeth Higgins, Out of the
Previous: F (forcemeat – fuseloil)
Sources: Cassell’s
Dictionary of Slang, Dictionary of the American West, The Cowboy Dictionary,
The Cowboy Encyclopedia, Cowboy Lingo, The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, and
various online dictionaries
Image credits: Wikimedia
Coming up: Top-10 recent frontier fiction for 2013
In coastal North Carolina, a formal summer dance held in the tobacco warehouses was called a June German. I was invited to one in Richlands in the late 80's when I was stationed at Camp Lejeune. It was a tradition that was already dead but the local historical society was trying to revive it.
Thanks for the comment, Shay. I would like to witness such an event. Early frontier fiction makes mention of numerous forms of group dancing, usually associated with the social elite. More popular/folk forms have evolved, I guess, into square dancing and now line dancing. Each is a reflection of a rather different social order.
DeleteIn Carolina it was more of a racial divide...the blacks had Germans and the whites had their own. Attendance at a white German -- and this is based on my own faulty memory -- was restrict to those who could be counted on to dress and behave properly.
ReplyDeleteWhat I *do* remember is that it was HOT. Much too hot for dancing. Our ancestors were made of sterner stuff.