Below is a list of mostly forgotten terms, people, and the occasional song, drawn from a reading of frontier fiction, 1880–1915. Each week
a new list, progressing through the alphabet, “from A to Izzard.”
milk pan =
a small type of saucepan,
with a lip, used for heating milk. “Callie Grainger sang it, and the
moon was managed by means of the traditional milk-pan and candle.” Grace and
Alice MacGowan, Aunt Huldah.
mill = a fight, prizefight. “Dear, dear! what a mill it was, and neither of ’em wore the American flag or talked into phonographs!” Hugh Pendexter, Tiberius Smith.
mill tail = the current of water running in a channel and turning a mill wheel. “While I go after ’em, you ride like the mill tails o’ hell an’ bring out Bull and Jake.” Herman Whitaker, Over the Border.
miner’s inch = a
unit of measure of water flow, equaling 1.5 cu. ft. (0.04 cu. meter ) per
minute. “In vain he showed them the big canal and beautiful system of ditches,
and pointed with much enthusiasm to the armour-belted, double-riveted clause
in the sale contracts guaranteeing to the lucky buyer the delivery of so many
miner’s inches or cubic feet of water every day in the year.” A. M. Chisholm, Desert
minié ball = a rifle bullet with a conical head used in muzzle-loading firearms. “Poor Billy! A ‘minie’ ball fell into his breast one day, fell wailing like a cat, and tore a great ragged hole in his heart.” Hamlin Garland, Main-Travelled Roads.
mint and anise and cumin = reference to Jesus’ warning to the scribes and Pharisees: “Ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cumin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith.” “Mrs. Landvetter sighed with relief. She had paid her mint and anise and cumin to Mrs. Grundy.” Nancy Mann Waddell Woodrow, The New Missioner.
“Mistletoe Bough, The” =
a ghost story, first appearing as a song
in 1830, popular in the 19th century at Christmastime. “The most ambitious
undertaking in the whole exhibition was the acting out with tableaux of The
Mistletoe Bough.” Grace and Alice MacGowan, Aunt Huldah.
mizzle = to make a sudden departure. “You’d better mizzle—go
home, you know.” Herman Whitaker, The Settler.
mockish = counterfeit, sham. “Right at the time it didn’t
sound so empty an’ mockish.” Robert Alexander Wason, Happy Hawkins.
mog = to walk or move along gently, slowly, and steadily. “I’m going to take a lantern and mog along up the track to see where they come together.” Francis Lynde, The Taming of Red Butte Western.
mogul = a steam locomotive with three pairs of driving wheels and one pair of smaller wheels in front. “She climbed up and sat beside him while the mogul rolled and racked and plunged forward through the night.” Herman Whitaker, Over the Border.
Money Musk = a song
and partnered folk dance in which couples dance in two facing lines. “Buckskin
and feathers may swirl in the tan-bark rings to the tune of Money Musk.”
Frederic Remington, John Ermine of the Yellowstone.
monopole =
the French term for a vineyard that is
wholly owned by one person or company. “‘I really think it’s champagne,’ said
Old Grannis in a whisper. So it was. A full case of Monopole.” Frank Norris, McTeague.
moon along =
to wander around lost in thought. “Got to
thinking in the desert, and sort of willing things to come to pass, and mooning
along, you and the sky and the vultures?” Gilbert Parker, Northern Lights.
moon vine = or moon
flower (pomoea alba), a species of night-blooming morning-glory, native to
tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas. “He waved a gauntleted salute
to Aunt Eleanor, who stood on the porch, drawing a leaf of the graceful
moon-vine through her slender fingers.” Henry Herbert Knibbs, Overland Red.
moonshine =
nonsense, a trifle, nothing at all. “‘All
moonshine, Noland, old boy,’ he exclaimed when he followed Elizabeth back to
the sickroom a few minutes later. ‘This girl’s as sound as a dollar.’” Dell
Munger, The Wind Before the Dawn.
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Thomas Moore |
moquette =
a carpet with a deep, tufted pile. “Its moquette
carpet, easy chairs, Turkish divan, beautiful pictures, and shelves well filled
with books—all combined to make this little editorial ‘den’ one of surprising
elegance.” Willis George Emerson, Buell Hampton.
mort = a large
quantity or number. “Yes, there’s a mort o’ trouble with them mines!” Mary
Hallock Foote, The Led-Horse Claim.
mosquito bar = a net
or curtain for excluding mosquitoes, used for beds and windows. “Curly came
tumbling through the mosquito bar in the window.” Roger Pocock, Curly.
mosquito hawk =
the crane fly, “daddy longlegs.” “We sat
in silence (while the ponies browsed the tufts of grass) watching the clouds of
mosquitos hanging in their phalanxes along the trickle of the stream and the
bright, gauzy, blue wings of two mosquito-hawks flashing through the midst.” Frederick
Niven, The Lost Cabin Mine.
mossback =
a longhorn whose horns have wrinkled with
age; an old wrinkled cowman. “Here’s two mighty slick ol’ long-horn mossbacks
you wants to be po’ful shy of.” Edgar Beecher Bronson, Reminiscences of a
Mother Carey’s chickens = two people who share living quarters and the payment for them. “Those Rookeries—Mother Carey’s chickens. Do you know what that Rookery gang is? A lot of gambling toughs, remittance doughheads.” Agnes C. Laut, The Freebooters of the Wilderness.
mouchoir = handkerchief. “She had been embroidering a mouchoir case for Clarence that unfortunate afternoon of Darrell’s performance, when she heard loud talking in the piazza.” Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, The Squatter and the Don.
mountain fever = an acute viral infection spread by the bite of the Dermacentor andersoni wood tick; Colorado tick fever. “They had chosen a time when McCloud, the assistant superintendent of the mine, was down with mountain fever.” Frank H. Spearman, Whispering Smith.
mourners bench = a bench for mourners or repentant sinners placed at the front in a revival meeting. “I edged over your way, plumb edified by your remarks, and when the rush for the mourners’ bench come I unlimbered an’ headed the stampede pronto.” Harold Bell Wright, The Winning of Barbara Worth.
mow away =
to hide something. “Well, son, this yere
Crawfish Jim is as a den of serpents. I reckons now he has a plumb dozen mowed
away in his raiment.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
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Mr. Toots |
mozo = a male servant, attendant (from Spanish). “A mozo rode in one day, with a package from Ramon.” Herman Whitaker, Over the Border.
Mr. Toots = a character in Charles Dickens’ Dombey and Son. “Like Mr. Toots, poor Lane, in his anxiety to put no one to any trouble, came within an ace of stammering, ‘It’s of no consequence’.” Charles King, Two Soldiers.
Mrs. Grundy =
the mythical standard bearer of
conventional social proprieties; originated as a character in Thomas Morton’s
play, Speed the Plough (1798). “Mrs. Grundy ascertained who were
to be the best-dressed ladies, what their pedigree was, and how their money had
been made.” Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, The Squatter and the Don.
mucker = a workman in a mine who removes gravel, hardpan,
etc., and loads and pushes cars to the mouth of the shaft or tunnel. “In due
time The Kid forced himself up the line of promotion from mucker to drill
carrier.” Dennis H. Stovall, The Gold Bug Story Book.
mudcat = any of several large North American catfish living
in muddy rivers. “This cool retreat was the summer home of the lazy turtle, of
sunfish and of ‘mud-cat.’” Willis George Emerson, Buell Hampton.
Mudhead = a native
of Tennessee. “Didn’t ask him who he was, and it warn’t written on his face.
Was a citizen, but whether a Hoshier, or Buckeye, or a Mudhead, is more than I
can tell.” Charles Sealsfield, The Cabin Book.
mug = to ruin,
interfere with, make a mess of. “The spaniel persisted in messing about and
mugging a trail, and his owner pig-headedly abetted him.” George Pattullo, The
muggins = a simple person, fool. “That little Muggins could twist me right ’round her finger—and me not know it!” Eleanor Gates, Alec Lloyd, Cowpuncher.
mukluks = high, soft boots worn in the American Arctic and traditionally made from sealskin. “He moved lightly, his footing made doubly secure by reason of his soft-soled mukluks” Rex Beach, The Spoilers.
mull = a soft thin muslin used in dresses and for trimmings.
“She went back to the other clothes, the weblike mulls, the soft nainsooks, and
the embroidered, silk-threaded flannels.” Elizabeth Higgins, Out of the West.
mullein strengthener
= herbal remedy for sore throat, cough, and lung diseases. “The women loved him
for his gentleness, and his (apparent) need of red flannel, horehound syrup,
and mullein strengthener.” Mollie Davis, The Wire-Cutters.
murphy = a potato. “Oh, you ain’t up to Western slang, a
Murphy then. Really Murphy, slang for potato. I’m of Irish distraction, as Mrs.
Finnerty says.” Patience Stapleton, Babe Murphy.
murrain = a plague, pestilence; the potato blight during the
Irish famine in the mid-1800s. “‘A murrain on the filthy swine!’ sez Hammy,
after he began to quiet down a little.” Robert Alexander Wason, Happy
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Lindley Murray |
musher = a person who drives a sled dog team. “As a swarm of
‘mushers,’ they found life to be that sardonic changeling of reality that
corrupts the clean struggle for all great visions.” Robert Dunn, The
Youngest World.
mushroom town =
a boomtown that springs up overnight. “He
quit railroading, collected his savings, and started a hotel in one of the
mushroom ‘towns’ with which the very rumour of a boom will spot a country.”
Martin Allerdale Grainger, Woodsmen of the West.
muss = a fight, dispute, commotion. “‘We heard you was,’
sez he; ‘killed in a muss over at Danders.’” Robert Alexander Wason, Happy
Mustang liniment = or
Mexican Mustang Liniment, a patent medicine and all-purpose palliative, made in
St. Louis (not Mexico) by Dr. A. G. Bragg and later by the Lyon Manufacturing
Company; ingredients varied, one recipe calling for equal parts petroleum,
olive oil and carbonate of ammonia. “Cut my first tooth on a book of pomes ma
got for a premium with Mustang Liniment.” Henry Herbert Knibbs, Overland
Previous: M (macer – mikonaree)
Sources: Cassell’s
Dictionary of Slang, Dictionary of the American West, The Cowboy Dictionary,
The Cowboy Encyclopedia, Cowboy Lingo, The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, and
various online dictionaries
Image credits: Wikimedia
Coming up: Robert Mitchum, The Wonderful Country (1959)
A stanza from one of my favorite poems, "The Ballad of William Sycamore."
ReplyDeleteThere are children lucky from dawn 'til dusk
But never a child so lucky;
For I cut my teeth on "Money Musk"
In the bloody ground of Kentucky!
The last line "And my buffalo have found me," always brings a lump to my throat as I think of what we have lost.