Below is a list of mostly forgotten terms, people, and the occasional song, drawn from a reading of frontier fiction, 1880-1915. Each week
a new list, progressing through the alphabet, “from A to Izzard.”
ignus fatuus =
will-o’-the-wisp; a phosphorescent light
that appears in marsh lands. “At the time he was following that ignis fatuus,
Holy Grail, pillar of cloud and pillar of fire, which was to him his Duty.” A.
B. Ward, The Sage Brush Parson.
I’m a Chinaman =
derogatory reference to Chinese,
expressing surprise and disbelief. “‘I’m a Chinaman,’ says Billy, ‘if it ain’t
a kid!” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
I’m a Mexican =
derogatory reference to Mexicans,
expressing surprise and disbelief. “I’m a Mexican if this yere Sal don’t come
wanderin’ in, a-cryin’ an’ a-mournin’ powerful.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
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Man with imperial |
imperial = small
part of a beard growing below the lower lip. “The snapping black eyes, with the
straight brows almost meeting over the nose, suggested Goethe’s Mephistopheles,
and Flemister shaved to fit the part, with curling mustaches and a
dagger-pointed imperial.” Francis Lynde, The Taming of Red Butte Western.
in bond = a term applied to the status of merchandise admitted
provisionally to a country without payment of duty, to be kept in a bonded
warehouse or for shipment to another point where duties will be imposed. “She
gave final and minute orders to tailors and dressmakers, instructed them to
send the trousseaux in bond directly to Great Falls, Montana.” Gertrude
Atherton, Perch of the Devil.
in high feather =
in good spirits. “The tireless little
animal followed him along the fence rails for perhaps a hundred yards, seeing
him off the premises and advising him not to return, then went back in high
feather to his task.” Charles G. D. Roberts, The Backwoodsmen.
“In the Baggage Coach Ahead” = a sentimental song
popular at the turn of the last century, written in 1896 by African American
composer Gussie L. Davis (1863-1899). “For nine months I have heard nothing but
‘The Baggage Coach Ahead’ and ‘She is My Baby’s Mother.’” Willa Cather, The
Troll Garden.
in the sulks =
unhappy. “But he was divided between his
impulse to send the trio on a double-quick about their business and the doubt
as to what effect it would have on the tribe if they were sent back to it in
the sulks.” Marah Ellis Ryan, Told in the Hills.
independent as a hog on ice = ungovernable. “A young
cub of a Siwash came a-riding along to camp about noon, as large as life and
independent as a hog on ice.” Marah Ellis Ryan, Told in the Hills.
Indian pipe =
monotropa uniflora, a flower-like white plant not requiring sunlight,
growing in the understory of dense forests; also ghost plant, corpse plant.
“In a niche of the wall an alabaster Piétà, brought home from Florence, slender and white and fragile as the Indian
pipes that spring without warning in the black forest mold, ghosts of flowers,
caught her eye.” A. B. Ward, The Sage Brush Parson.
indignation meeting =
a meeting held for the purpose of expressing and discussing grievances. “An
indignation meeting was held, where with much feeling they denounced the
actions of Ernest Nicholson in buying land north of the town.” Oscar Micheaux, The
ingrain carpet =
a reversible carpet made of wool dyed before weaving and
having a similar design on each side, with the colors reversed. “It had
been Edith’s intention to take their household effects to Washington—the
folding-bed, the ingrain carpet, and the parlor cook.” Elizabeth Higgins, Out
of the West.
injun = to sneak around, creep up on. “While she’s gone I
injuns an’ spies ‘round a whole lot.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Injun sign = a magic
spell, a curse, a jinx. “You may be able to hang the Injun-sign on old Rance
McCoy, but to us, you’re just another dirty shirt that needs doin’ up.” W. C.
Tuttle, Thicker Than Water.
intervale =
a tract of low-lying land, especially
along a river. “Below them lay a stretch of long, smooth intervale—fresh with
young grass, and skirted by Indian willows with heavy hardwood behind them.” S.
Carleton Jones, Out of Drowning Valley.
iodoform = a yellow
crystalline compound similar to chloroform, with a sweet odor, used as an
antiseptic. “Our strength was as plain to them, as Tillte Dutch was the time he
fell in love and used iodoform on his hair instead o’ perfume.” Robert
Alexander Wason, Friar Tuck.
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Irish point, 1904 |
Irish point =
Brussels appliqué; needlepoint lace, made
in Ireland. “The aristocratic family with the Irish-point curtains in the
windows—that lives on the county.” Mary MacLane, The Story of Mary MacLane.
ironwood = a common
name for a large number of woods that have a reputation for hardness. “They
made a very small fire of cat-claw and ironwood.” Peter B. Kyne, The Three
irrigate = drink,
take a drink. “Come over ’n’ let’s irrigate.” Charles Lummis, A Tramp Across
the Continent.
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Henry Irving |
Irving, Henry =
an English stage actor and theatrical
manager (1838-1905); the first actor to be awarded a knighthood. “He’s great,
Mrs. Carter; puts it all over Henry Irving.” Herman Whitaker, The Settler.
Ishmael / Ishmaelite
= an outcast; someone at odds with society (reference to Ishmael, son of
Abraham and Hagar, the servant of Abraham’s wife Sarah). “Months in a strange
country had taught Robin that he was not the stuff of which an Ishmael is
made.” Bertrand Sinclair, Wild West.
J. Murphy =
a very large covered wagon developed by
Joseph Murphy of St. Louis, used by freighters on the Santa Fe Trail. “They’re
coming back light, and we can have a J. Murphy that is bigger than a whole lot
of houses in this country.” Harry Leon Wilson, The Lions of the Lord.
jabot = a frill on the front of a man’s shirt or woman’s bodice (from French). “Mrs. ‘Hank’ Terriberry, whose hair looked like a pair of angora ‘chaps’ in a high wind, returning from her third trip to the dish-pan, burst into tears at the man’s depravity and inadvertently wiped her streaming eyes on the end of her long lace jabot instead of her handkerchief.”
jacal = (from Spanish) a small house or shack built by driving vertical stakes into the ground, lacing them together, and covering them with mud (from Spanish). “This quarter of the town was a ragged edge; its denizens the bubbling froth of five nations; its architecture tent, jacal, and ’dobe.” O. Henry, Heart of the West.
jacal = (from Spanish) a small house or shack built by driving vertical stakes into the ground, lacing them together, and covering them with mud (from Spanish). “This quarter of the town was a ragged edge; its denizens the bubbling froth of five nations; its architecture tent, jacal, and ’dobe.” O. Henry, Heart of the West.
jacemo = a stout headstall made of horsehair, used in bronco
breaking and handling. “It needed only a glance to note that his jacemo
had been removed.” Edgar Beecher Bronson, Reminiscences of a Ranchman
jack easy =
easy-going; a reference to Frederick
Marryat’s comic novel Mr. Midshipman Easy (1836). “My father was
a queer old fellow. He was a determined enough man, but very ‘jack easy’ as the
word is.” Frederick Niven, Hands Up!
Jack Hazard =
character in a series of children’s
stories by John Townsend Trowbridge (1827-1916). “I read about a boy whose name
is Jack Hazard and who, J. T. Trowbridge informs the reader, is doing his best,
and who seems to find it somewhat difficult.” Mary MacLane, The Story of
Mary MacLane.
Jack Robinson =
a mythical person associated with speed or
quickness; the phrase “faster than you can say Jack Robinson,” dates from the
1700s. “The train’ll be here before we can say Jack Robinson.” G. Frank
Lydston, Poker Jim, Gentleman.
jackleg =
incompetent; dishonest. “Frenchy kept a jackleg lawyer, and he was helping to
persecute.” Eugene Manlove Rhodes, “The Numismatist”
jackpot = the
accumulated stakes in a kind of poker that requires one to hold a pair of jacks
or better in order to open the betting. “The Governor hoped he might win now,
under the jack-pot system.” Owen Wister, Red Men and White.
jade = a bad-tempered or disreputable woman. “’Tis said
Vincent is over-thick with a jade down in the town.” Jack London, A Daughter
of the Snows.
japanned =
decorated with a black enamel or lacquer.
“The Colonel wrote his name a little stiffly,
being out of practice. . . and
deposited the card on the Japanned salver in the bellboy’s hand.” Lewis B. France,
Pine Valley.
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Japanned tray, 1850 |
jar = dispute, fight. “If the like of me keep out of
family jars, the like of Mrs. Scott wouldn’t live with such men.” Charles Duff
Stuart, Casa Grande.
jarred up =
shaken, surprised. “I reckon I never did
get jarred up so. It’s plumb discouraging.” William MacLeod Raine, Wyoming.
jasper = a man, esp. a rustic simpleton. “Just as everything
began to look cosey and home-like my pair of Jaspers decided they were afraid
of the ocean.” Hugh Pendexter, Tiberius Smith.
jawbone = credit. “Jawbone is the western word for credit. I
lack the art of using mine persuasively.” Martin Allerdale Grainger, Woodsmen
of the West.
jay = a simpleton,
novice, newcomer. “He is a jay with a gun, and you may tell him I said so; do
you hear?” Frank H. Spearman, Whispering Smith.
jaytown = a small town. “You’re different enough from the
other men in this jay town.” Gertrude Atherton, Perch of the Devil.
Jehu = a king of
Israel known for riding his chariot furiously; a coach or cab driver who drives
fast or recklessly. “She sat comfortably ensconced in the back seat of the old,
battered red coach, surrounded by cushions for protection from continual
jouncing, as the Jehu in charge urged his restive mules down the desolate vally
of the Bear Water.” Randall Parrish, Bob Hampton of Placer.
jerickety =
a mild expletive. “‘Oh,
magnificent!—magnificent!—jerickety!’ he said into the sky above him.” Gilbert
Parker, Northern Lights.
jerk-line =
a single rein that runs to the lead animal in a team of mules or horses. “Freight
depot was, too, ljudging from the evidence of the huge-wheeled wagons rigged
with chains and stretchers for twenty-horse ‘jerk-line’ teams.” Eugene Manlove
Rhodes, “The Enchanted Valley.” Learn more here.
Previous: H (hide hair and horns - hurroar)
Next: J (jerkwater
- junto)
Cassell’s Dictionary of Slang, Dictionary of the American West, The Cowboy
Dictionary, The Cowboy Encyclopedia, Cowboy Lingo, The Shorter Oxford English
Dictionary, and various online dictionaries
Image credits: Wikimedia Commons
Coming up: James Welch, The Heartsong of Charging Elk
I know will-o-the-wisp and just used it in a story. Didn't know this name for it, though.
ReplyDelete"Imperial" as a beard refers specifically to the French Emperor Napoleon III who made that style fashionable.