Review and interview
To paraphrase Winston Churchill, this western is a mystery
wrapped in an enigma. The enigma in this case is a man who rides in to a small
Wyoming ranch, the Little Six, and gets a job as a cowpuncher. The puzzle for
everyone, including the reader, is what he’s really up to.
Like Shane in many respects, he goes by a single name,
Dunbar, and he offers no other information about himself. He pokes around a
dam-building project that will bring irrigation to the rangeland. And when he
doesn’t disappear for days on his own, he hangs out in a nearby town. There he
might be found in the saloon or on the front porch of a woman whose husband,
Tut Whipple, is in charge of the dam project.
We witness all this through the eyes and ears of a young
cowhand, Grey Wharton, who narrates the story. Is Dunbar a range detective?
Some kind of troublemaker? Or just a drifter? The other cowboys at the ranch
get to resenting him, and Grey is unhappy to find him in the company of Ruth,
Whipple’s wife. Seems the motherless Grey is more than a little sweet on her
Powder River Pass, Wyoming |
Plot. The plot
thickens as Dunbar becomes certain that the ranch owner’s cattle are being
rustled and butchered to feed the crews working on the new dam. There’s also
reason to believe he might be looking for a cave where robbers once stashed the
take from a robbery.
Whipple surrounds himself with tough guys who try to
intimidate Dunbar into minding his own business. But Dunbar is a powerful
fighter and needs only a couple good punches to handily dismiss anyone who
wants to get in his way. Matters take a nasty turn when one of the Little Six
cowboys is provoked into drawing his gun and gets shot dead.
The town fathers are yet another matter. They are unconvinced
by Dunbar’s claims of cattle rustling, and they close ranks when he says a town
marshal would provide some much-needed law enforcement. They have much to gain
by the success of the dam project and balk at interference by an outsider.
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Little Laramie River, 1905 |
Character. As it
turns out, Dunbar is a man on a mission. Like Shane he is a frontier knight
errant, come to bring justice where, by design or neglect, injustice has been
permitted to prevail. He has a code of conduct that is revealed in one of the
several thoughtful talks he has with the young Grey.
Unlike the black-and-white code of the West, his is what
might be called situational ethics. Actively defend what is right, he advises.
But don’t take on more than you can handle. One on one, a man might stop a
wrongdoer and hold him to account. But it’s no good going after the Big Guys,
like the railroads. They’ll just crush you.
Meanwhile, do your work, the work you believe in. Be
honest, be fair, even when the world is full of dishonesty and unfairness. In
dealing with others, steer a middle course between the Ten Commandments and the
Golden Rule. In other words, temper law with mercy.
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Oregon Trail, Wyoming, 1870 |
Romance. The novel
ends with a flash-forward, and we know that Grey grows up and 20 years later
has followed in his dead father’s footsteps, becoming a lawyer. Happily
married, he has weathered the trials and tribulations of young love and
But during the course of the novel, he is still sorting
through a young adult’s hormonal urges that make sense only in retrospect. The
pretty Mexican girl who serves him meals at one of the saloons in town draws
him like a magnet. And then there is the married woman, Ruth, who mothers him
without fully realizing the claim his heart has made on her.
Wrapping up. Nesbitt
writes so familiarly about these characters on the high plains of Wyoming, you
feel transported back to their time and their world. The dialogue he writes has
the easy naturalness of everyday speech. And that dialogue sparks with life
when people are suspicious of each other or yielding to a rising surge of
He also reproduces the rhythms of talk likely to be heard
among the “fraternity of men who had the common interests of cattle, horses,
work, and weather.” We listen in as the Little Six men discuss the changes
being wrought on the plains by speculators and reclamation projects. And we
hear from them how progress means the loss of a way of life.
Dark Prairie will
soon be available at amazon and Barnes&Noble. For more about John Nesbitt, visit his website.
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John D. Nesbitt |
John Nesbitt has generously agreed to spend some time here at BITS to talk about writing and the writing of Dark Prairie. So I'm turning the rest of this page over to him.
John, we last talked here in July 2012. How has the last year
been for you as a writer?
It has been a good year, especially after being on the
street, as I have called it, as a result of the collapse of Dorchester
Publishing. I had been with them for thirteen years and had achieved some good
continuity with them in addition to winning some awards, and then they
My last two novels with them did not go very far, and I
had the rights to two manuscripts returned to me. It took me a while to find
another publisher, and I am glad to have done so with Dark Prairie. Five Star is a very good company, with good
professional attention to all aspects from editing to cover design to marketing
and promotion.

Talk about how the idea for this novel suggested itself
to you.
As often happens, I had a few different ideas converge.
One idea was that I wanted to have an almost-mythical main character who works
for the noble purpose of justice but who is not perfect. That's where I got
Dunbar. Because he would be somewhat mysterious, I needed to present him
through the eyes of a narrator.
That's where I got Grey Wharton. I wanted to have Dunbar
deal with a problem that, as I noted to myself, threatened the social body.
Several years ago, a crime like the one that Dunbar investigates took place not
far from where I live.
Like many people, I was very disturbed by what happened
(it seems so flat when I write about it in this way, but I would feel like even
more of a traitor if I were more specific), and it gave me the emotional base
to write a story in which I wanted to see justice served. So that's where I got
Annie Mora.
Is the published version of the novel closely similar
to your first draft, or was the revision process extensive?
The revision process was, I would say, moderate. The
version I submit to the publisher is usually the third draft, and then it goes
through editing. In the editing of this novel, there were no big changes such
as adding or taking out pages at a time.
Did anything about the story or the characters surprise
you as you were writing?
Dunbar and Ruth came to life as fuller characters than I
had sketched out, but that is pretty common.
Both Dunbar and Grey are strongly drawn characters.
Talk a bit about where they came from.
I wanted a grownup version of the knight errant, and I had
been thinking for a few years about a character who had been burned in the hand.
With Grey, I wanted a narrator more like Hal in The Sea of Grass than like Bob in Shane.
Also (sorry to tip my hand here), his name is kind of a
testimony of what I aspire to, which is a blend of the traditional western
(Grey) and traditional literary fiction (Wharton). Also, things are not black
and white in this novel; as often happens in my fiction, there is quite a bit
of grey. (It also works in my favor to know that Grey was a common first name
at the time of the story.)
What parts of the novel gave you the most pleasure to
I most enjoyed writing the scenes in which Grey interacts
with Dunbar and Ruth, as well as the scenes in which he observes the pond and
the décor in the Whitepaw Saloon.
Were you thinking of any other writers while writing
this one?
As I mention above, and as anyone could guess, I was
thinking Jack Schaefer and Shane, as
well as of a couple of styles I hoped to bring together. I am sorry to sound
immodest, but I wanted this to be better than Shane, not only in its level of maturity but in its
execution of narrative point of view. To help me with that, I thought perhaps
of novels like The Sea of Grass
and The Great Gatsby, both of
which have good observer narrators.
What went into the decision to tell this story in the
first person?
In dealing with an enigmatic character like Dunbar, one
sustains the illusion by staying outside of that character. Even at that, one
does not have to write in first person, as I learned when I wrote my first
western, One-Eyed Cowboy Wild. I wrote
that one in third person, from the point of view of the enigmatic character's
But in Dark Prairie,
I thought I could get more urgency, or more closeness to the problem, if I had
a first-person narrator. The choice seemed almost to be dictated by the
situation in the novel.
What are the up- and downsides of choosing a very young
character to tell a story?
Well, he's not very, very young, and he is literate, so I
didn't have the limitations of a ten- or twelve-year-old. I didn't feel that I was
working against very many disadvantages in my choice of narrator. The
advantages are that he is sometimes outside the bubble of adult relationships
and outside the understanding of deeper human motivations, which are the things
he learns about in the story.
Your central character is an orphan. Why is that so
often the case in western stories?
I'd like to say, well, pardner, that's the way it was in
the Old West. But that's a joke. An orphan makes a good focal character because
he has a direct relationship with the world at large, which is what the reader
partakes in. From a practical perspective, the writer doesn't have to deal with
other family members, which is perhaps a concrete way of saying the same thing.
What went into your choice of a title for the novel?
I like to have place names in titles, and I like to have
concrete images. And because this story has elements of dark mystery, the
first word presented itself early on. Then I came up with a word that
went with it.
What were the creative factors that went into the
design of the cover?
The cover was done by the publisher. As I understood
it, the people doing the thinking had decided that they wanted this new
Frontier series to be broader in scope than the traditional western line.
And so, even though I would have liked an image of a rider and a packhorse, the
people who were thinking on a higher plane went for the prairie landscape, the
pond, and some beautiful colors that still have a dark tone to them. I have
received some very nice compliments on the cover, and once I got over the idea
of not having the horse and rider, I got to admiring it quite a bit.
I am working on another manuscript right now, and I
usually read books in between writing projects. One of the next books I hope to
read is Matt Mayo's Tucker's Reckoning,
which won the Spur Award this year for best short novel.
What can your readers expect from you next?
I have a couple of more crossover western / mysteries
scheduled for release, but I am reserved about being more specific even when,
as in the case of these two, the works are already written and contracted. The
manuscript I am working on right now is also a traditional western.
When I finish it, I might write another Dunbar story.
After that, I hope to do more in the mystery line with something contemporary.
As some readers know, I have done a little bit of work in that area in the past
few years.
For readers who like your work, which other writers
would you recommend to them?
If I were to cite living writers whose company I am
sometimes permitted (and honored) to join, I would say, in alphabetical order,
Johnny D. Boggs, Matthew P. Mayo, and Larry D. Sweazy. In a league of his own
is Robert Roripaugh, to whom Dark Prairie
is dedicated.
If I were to cite writers who are no longer alive and
whose work I am sure will always remain many levels above mine, I would say, in
alphabetical order, Raymond Chandler, A.B. Guthrie Jr., Ernest Haycox, Conrad
Richter, and Owen Wister. Go back and tuck in Charles Dickens, Ernest
Hemingway, Alice Munro, and Edith Wharton. I would say that these last nine
have influenced my work more significantly than any other writers, but it's
always terrible to start running lists. I left out Homer and Milton, Fielding
and Melville, and so on.
Anything we didn’t cover
you’d like to comment on?
I would like to say that Dark Prairie is a very special book for me, not only because it
gets me off the street and back into mainstream publishing but also because it
presents me as a writer of mysteries as well as westerns, with a young-adult
crossover thrown in. The people at Five Star have been terrific, and I am very
happy to be part of their new line of Frontier (not just western) fiction.
Thanks, John. Every success.
Image credits: Wikimedia Commons
Coming up: James Stewart, Richard Widmark, Two Rode Together (1961)
As a longtime fan of John Nesbitt's writing, it is always instructive for me to learn how this accomplished writer goes about his work. I have been fortunate to spend time with John and consider him a friend. He's a kind and gracious man and I wish him every success with his fine new novel.
ReplyDeleteI, too, have had the privilege to read and review Dark Prairie, and I concur. It is top-shelf work that will appeal to a wide range of readers. Thanks, Ron and John--a fine review and interview to begin the day!
I'm looking forward to reading this. Any work by John Nesbitt is something to look forward to. He's good company, and I'm really glad he is "off the street."
ReplyDelete2nd place I've heard about this one. It's at top of my radar.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Ron, for all of your work in putting this together and posting it. And thank you to my fellow writers above who have graciously added comments.
ReplyDeleteI'm looking forward to reading westerns by contemporary writers such as Mr. Nesbitt, Mr. Mayo, Mr. Sweazy, Mr. Reasoner, and Mr. Dundee among several others. I've enjoyed reading your interviews with all the five authors as well as the many that you mentioned in your roundup earlier this year, that I've made a note of. Thank you, Ron.