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Montana cowboys, c1910 |
These are from Alfred Henry Lewis’ Wolfville, about life in an Arizona cow town. Once again, I
struck out on a few. If anyone has a definition for “bark at a knot,”
“kettle-tender,” or “nigh-swing mule,” leave a comment below.
ace high =
a poker hand consisting of an ace without
a pair or better. “I never yet holds better than ace-high when the stake’s a
lady.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
all of a bump =
suddenly. “It all of a bump like a buckin’
pony strikes Jaybird that he’s missin’ a onusual chance to be buoyant.” Alfred
Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
black snake =
a long tapering braided
whip of rawhide or leather. “I reaches across an’ belts him some abrupt
between the y’ears with the butt of a shot-filled black-snake.” Alfred Henry
Lewis, Wolfville.
blanket mate =
a working partner, who may share the same
bedroll. “The artillery is a case of s’prise, the most experienced gent in
Wolfville not lookin’ for no gun-play between folks who’s been pards an’
blanket-mates for years.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
cat hop = in five-card draw poker, a long shot draw requiring
two desired cards to make a hand. “Thar’s nothin’ left in the box but beans,
coffee, an’ beans. It’s a cat-hop, but it can’t be he’ped none.” Alfred Henry
Lewis, Wolfville.
check rack =
the tray that hold the chips for a game.
“He’s sufferin’ an’ has got to be recovered if it takes the entire check-rack.”
Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
crawl someone’s hump =
to attack, assault. “If you insists on
pushin’ along through here I’ll turn in an’ crawl your hump some.” Alfred Henry
Lewis, Wolfville.
cross-lots =
by a short cut (across the fields or vacant lots instead
of by the road or sidewalk). “When they can’t find no gate to come at
you, they ups an’ pushes down a panel of fence, an’ lays for you, cross-lots.” Alfred
Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
curl up = to kill. “The old hold-up is on the mule an’ goin’
hell-bent when I curls him up.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Green corn dance, Santa Fe, New Mexico |
dead card =
a card out of play, such as discards, or
one involved in a foul, such as falling off the table. “When Peets quits a
little thing like consumption an’ shoves his chair back, you’alls can gamble a
gent’s health, that a-way, is on a dead kyard.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
frill = fringe. “Four days later we’re in camp by a
water-hole in the frill of the foot-hills.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
green corn dance =
a Native American ceremonial dance expressing
supplication or thanksgiving for the corn/maize crop. “This Colonel of
mine don’t get no pianer; don’t round-up no music of his own; but stands pat
an’ pulls off reels, an’ quadrilles, an’ green-corn dances to Hamilton’s music
goin’ on next door.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Hawken rifle |
Hawken rifle =
a black powder long rifle used on the
prairies and in the Rocky Mountains during the early frontier days; synonymous
with the “plains rifle,” the buffalo gun, and the fur trapper’s gun. “The last
I sees of the old man he’s buckin’ an’ pitchin’ an’ tossin’, an’ the females
a-holdin’ of him, an’ he reachin’ to get a Hawkins’s rifle as hangs over the
door.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
hone = to pine for, yearn after. “Mail-bags packs more
grief than joy, an’ I ain’t honin’ for no hand in that game whatever.” Alfred
Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
hull = a saddle. “It looks like we’re cinchin’ the hull
onto the wrong bronco.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
hunky = excellent, satisfactory, in good condition. “An’
Billy ain’t none back’ard admittin’ he is, an’ allows onhesitatin’ it’s the
hunkiest baby in Arizona.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
I’m a Chinaman =
derogatory reference to Chinese,
expressing surprise and disbelief. “‘I’m a Chinaman,’ says Billy, ‘if it ain’t
a kid!” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
jim crow =
small-time, low-class. “You can gamble
thar wouldn’t be no jim-crow marshal go pirootin’ ’round, losin’ no eye of mine
an’ getting’ away with it.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
line out =
to leave, depart. “I has only time to make
camp, saddle up, an’ line out of thar, to keep from bein’ burned before my
time.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
lop = to bend. “I nacherally wrestles him down an’ lops
one of his front laigs over his antlers.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
marker = something worthy to be compared. “The brotherly
views them two gents entertains ain’t a marker to Jim Willis an’ me.” Alfred
Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
on velvet =
secure, cheerful, enjoying a life without
problems. “I’m on velvet; how’s your laigs standin’ the pace, Jim?” Alfred
Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
play horse =
to fool around, indulge in horseplay. “It
shorely tries me the way them aliens plays hoss.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
point out =
to leave, cancel out, die. “The one of us who draws a black bean is to
p’int out after the lieutenant.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Cigar factory workers, Tampa, Florida, 1893 |
principe =
Cuban cigar, Principe de Gales (Prince of
Wales), manufactured from 1869 in Key West, then Tampa, Florida. “Again the Old Cattleman relapsed into silence and the smoke of the principe.” Alfred
Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
reach = the connecting member between the front and rear
axles of a wagon. “At last I ups an’ make a hammock outen a Navajo blanket,
which is good an’ strong, an’ swings the Colonel to the reach of the trail
wagon.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
ring in = to substitute fraudulently. “You-all can’t ring in
Mexicans an’ snake no play on us.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
“Sandy Land” =
traditional song; full title, “Great Big
Taters in Sandy Land.” “S’pose we-alls gives him ‘The Dyin’ Ranger’ an’ ‘Sandy
Land’ for an hour or so, an’ see.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville. Listen here.
Spanish bayonet |
shorthorn =
tenderfoot, newcomer. “Let the shorthorn
go sleep onder a mesquite-bush; it’ll do him good a whole lot.” Alfred Henry
Lewis, Wolfville.
skin = to glance at, examine. “I’m skinnin’ my kyards a bit
interested anyhow, bein’ in the hole myse’f.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Spanish bayonet =
a tall yucca of the southwestern United
States and Mexico having a woody stem and stiff sword-like pointed leaves and a
large cluster of white flowers. “I goes wanderin’ out back of the Tub of Blood,
where it’s lonesome, an’ camps down by a Spanish-bayonet.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
spraddled out =
in a confused state. “This yere domestic
uprisin’ of Dave’s wife breaks on Wolfville as onexpected as a fifth ace in a
poker deck; it leaves the camp all spraddled out.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
stack up =
to present oneself (cf. piling up one’s chips at poker). “Occasionally
some of us sorter tries to stack up for Jim an’ figger out where he stands with
the game.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Frock coat |
surtout = a man’s overcoat in the style of a frock coat. “It’s
that youthful party in the black surtoot who comes pesterin’ me a moment ago
about the West bein’, as he says, a roode an’ irreligious outfit.” Alfred Henry
Lewis, Wolfville.
swallow fork =
an earmark on an animal made by a triangular cut removing
the tip of the ear. “I’m workin’ a bunch of cattle; Cross-K is the
brand; y’ear-marks a swallow-fork in the left, with the right y’ear
onderhacked.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
tail a pony =
a rough practical joke played by one rider on
another, as explained in the following quote. “It’s ridin’ up from the r’ar an’
takin’ a half-hitch on your saddle-horn with the tail of another gent’s pony,
an’ then spurrin’ by an’ swappin’ ends with the whole outfit,—gent, hoss, an’
all.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
tens up = in poker, having two pair where the higher pair are
tens. “I tharfore makes as an order that yereafter thar’s to be a rake on
tens-up or better, showed, to make a fund to back this play.” Alfred Henry
Lewis, Wolfville.
trail out =
death. “I don’t like a knife none myse’f
as a trail out.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
turn in = to stop doing something. “If you insists on pushin’
along through here I’ll turn in an’ crawl your hump some.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
underhack =
an earmark on an animal made by cutting up
on the underside of the ear about one inch. “I’m workin’ a bunch of cattle;
Cross-K is the brand; y’ear-marks a swallow-fork in the left, with the right
y’ear onderhacked.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Wall tent |
vibrate = to pass back and forth. “Billy, who’s filed away a
quart of fire-water in his interior by now, is vibratin’ between the Red Light
an’ the dancehall.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
wall tent =
a canvas tent with four vertical walls.
“The Britons has got up a wall tent an’ is shorely havin’ a high an’ lavish
time.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Team of horses,wheelers on the right |
wheelers =
in freighting and stagecoaches, the horses
or mules nearest the wheels. “I’ve hobbled this Jerry mule an’ his mate—the
other wheeler—an’ throwed ’em loose.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
worm fence =
a rail fence consisting of a zigzag of
interlocking rails. “That Remorse pony arches his back like a hoop, sticks his
nose between his knees, an’ gives way to sech a fit of real old worm-fence
buckin’ as lands Slim Jim on his sombrero.” Alfred Henry Lewis, Wolfville.
Image credits: Wikimedia Commons
Coming up: Saturday music, Sons of the Pioneers
Another great batch, Ron. "Cat hop" was also used in the game of faro, to indicate that two of three cards left in the dealing box during the last turn were of the same denomination.
ReplyDelete"On velvet" was also used by gamblers; a player who'd won back his initial stake and was gambling only with his winnings was said to be "playing on velvet."
Given the contents of the food box, I'm guessing the reference is more directly to faro, as you suggest. Thanks, JR.
Delete"Kettle tender" sounds like a cook in a soup kitchen. A "nigh-swing mule", I think, is the nearest of a team to the driver/handler that he uses to make turns. I've heard the expression used for a team of horses.
ReplyDeleteOscar, thanks for the input. From the driver's point of view, would the nigh horse/mule be to the right or left?
DeleteI wonder if there were also racist implications to the use of "Jim Crow" in the West as it was in the South?
ReplyDeletebtw, it took me several tries to get the verification right!
I'm sure the racial implication was there, too. Having trouble with verification these days myself.