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Montana cowboys, c1910 |
These are from Marion Reid-Girardot’s Steve of the Bar-G
Ranch and James B. Hendryx’s The
Promise. Some I could not track down are at
the bottom of the page.
against = before. “Ag’in’ spring you’ll know a little
somethin’ about logs.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
air-tight =
a wood-burning stove designed for
efficient and controlled fuel use with stable heating and cooking temperatures.
“He called one of the men from the cook-shack and bade him build a fire in the
little air-tight.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
Flatboat |
bird’s eye =
a small, circular imperfection found most
often in maple;
heavily favored by professional woodworkers for its unique
beauty. “It required three days of hard labor to remove the fifty-two
bird’s-eye maple logs to a position of safety.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
Bird's eye maple tabletop |
Bois-Brûlés = a sub-tribe of the Dakota Indians, found in
Manitoba near the Red River. “Long after, from the lips of a passing Bois brûlé, she
heard the story of Pierre’s death.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
cat = to vomit. “I do not believe these people ever take a
bawth. I’ll have to chuck it or I’ll cat.” Marion Reid-Girardot, Steve of
the Bar-G Ranch.
cellaret =
a case for holding wine bottles and decanters,
often built as part of a sideboard. “He crossed to the table and, springing the
silver catch of a tiny door, cunningly empaneled in the wall, selected from the
cellaret a long-necked, cut-glass decanter.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
Chicago burner =
a hanging lamp. “Above this table six huge
‘Chicago burners’ lighted the interior.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
chink = to fill up gaps or spaces, such as in a log wall.
“At length he got them into the stable, chinked the broken feed-boxes as best
he could, and removed the bridles.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
chuck it =
to give up. “I do not believe these people
ever take a bawth. I’ll have to chuck it or I’ll cat.” Marion Reid-Girardot, Steve
of the Bar-G Ranch.
crab = to spoil, upset, ruin. “Moncrossen is afraid I will
crab his bird’s-eye game—and I will, too, when the proper time comes.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
cutty pipe =
a short-stemmed tobacco pipe. “In the
doorway an old man, with a short cutty-pipe between his lips, leaned upon a
crutch and surveyed the sky with weatherwise eyes.” James Hendryx, The
dacoit = armed robber, murderous highwayman. “Ye c’n no more
kape a McKim from foightin’ thin ye c’n kape a dacoit from staylin.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
doughgod =
a logger’s term for bread. “’Tis a foine
va-acation ye’re havin’ playin’ nurse fer a pinched toe, an’ me tearin’ out th’
bone fer to git out th’ logs on salt-horse an’ dough-gods ’t w’d sink a
battle-ship.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
enter the lists =
to accept a challenge. “And loving her, he
set her high upon a pedestal and entered the lists with all the ardor of his
being.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
fade = to put at a disadvantage. “‘Twas a foight av his own
pickin’, an’ he knows ye’ve got him faded.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
frisk = to rob or steal. “They frisked Joe Manning fer sixty
bucks last year. I seen ’em do it.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
gillon = a day too stormy for loggers to work. “At one
o’clock the boss called ‘gillon,’ and with loud shouts and rough horse-play,
the men made a rush for the bunk-house.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
give someone cards and spades = to allow someone else
an advantage. “Now, that cave man I read about the other day could give us
cards and spades.” Marion Reid-Girardot, Steve of the Bar-G Ranch.
green goods =
counterfeit money. “They are waiting for
you in the wicked town—they can see you coming. The next ones will spring a
real live game, green goods, or wire tapping.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
greener = a tenderfoot. “He hates a greener. He thinks no wan
but an owld hand has any business in th’ woods.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
gut = a channel of water, a strait. “The next moment it
leaped clear of the water and plunged blindly into the whirling tossing pandemonium
of the white-water gut.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
hasp = a contrivance for fastening a door or lid; a hinged
metal plate with a hole which fits over a staple and is secured by a pin or
padlock. “He slipped the heavy hasp of the door over the staple and secured it
with the wooden pin.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
hold-over =
a workman unable to return to work because
of a previous day or night’s dissipation. “Evil things were whispered of
Moncrossen’s man-handling of ‘hold-overs’.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
jobbernowl =
a blockhead, stupid person. “Creed’s a
dhrivlin’ jobbernowl that orders his comin’s be th’ hang av th’ moon, an’ his
goin’s be th’ dhreams av his head.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
kale = money. “Pass over the kale. Just slip out a five for
your trouble.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
kick-back = a tree jumping back over the stump toward the faller. “Reed and Kantochy, two sawyers, were caught by a ‘kick-back’.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
Canada lynx |
loup cervier =
the Canada lynx. “They set about skinning
the loup-cervier, and spread the pelt upon the floor for a robe.”
James Hendryx, The Promise.
Loup garou |
pace = indulgence in reckless dissipation. “He must make
good—must win to the fore in the business world as he had won in the athletic.
And above all he must forswear the pace!” James Hendryx, The Promise.
Pier glass |
pilgrim = a tenderfoot. “Two pilgrims that called theirselves
sawyers not bein’ able to dodge a kick-back.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
praties = potatoes. “An’ phwat’ll ye be doin’? Peelin’ praties
fer that dommed pisener in th’ kitchen.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
put to the brush =
to beat, defeat. “Some claims he c’ud put
th’ boss himself to th’ brush, wunst he got shtar-rted.” James Hendryx, The
Eskimo, snow shoes |
ragtag and bobtail =
riffraff, rabble. “The companions of the
stricken brute—the gaunt, tireless leaders, who had traveled beside him in the
van, and the rag-tag and bobtail alike—fell upon him tooth and nail.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
skive = the action of cutting into something. “Great yellow
rolls of butter into which the knives of the men skived deeply.” James Hendryx,
The Promise.
soak = to hit, sock. “I guess you didn’t reach out an’ soak
me—a cop!” James Hendryx, The Promise.
soused to the guards =
very drunk. “‘Soused to the guards,’ he
sneered, ‘an’ me with ten years scairt offen my life fer fear I’d wake him.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
spiflicated =
drunk. “He got spiflicated, built a
roarin’ fire in the old stove—an’ there y’are, plain as daylight.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
spotted fever =
typhus or meningitis; any of several
diseases characterized by fever and skin spots. “The cook contracted spotted
fever and died.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
Worker with bark spud |
sweeper = an uprooted tree that has fallen into a stream,
capable of sweeping men off a raft or log or causing a jam. “The branches of a
gigantic, storm-blasted pine, whose earth-laded butt dragged heavily along the
bottom of the river, became firmly entangled in the low-hanging limbs of a
sweeper.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
tear out the bone =
to exert oneself. “Bill’ll be boss, an’
th’ min’ll tear out th’ bone to bate Moncrossen!” James Hendryx, The Promise.
ten-twenty-thirty =
a cheap and typically melodramatic
theatrical entertainment; so-called because of the price in cents of seats.
“‘Must be in Chicago this evening,’ he muttered quite audibly, pulling a ten,
twent, thirt frown that caused his labial foliage to rustle with importance.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
toggle chain =
a short piece of chain connecting two
functioning parts of a device, to allow flexibility between them. “Ye’ll be
thinkin’ o’ steppin’ out the door wi’ ye’re new boots an’ ye’re pack an’
trippin’ up to Blood River in maybe it’s two walks, wi’ naught in ye’re belly
but a can o’ cold fish an’ a stun weight o’ Mary Burrage’s bread, which there
ain’t no more raisin’ into it nor a toggle-chain.” James Hendryx, The
toothpick =
small trees. “Toothpick logging it was
called then, and H. D. Appleton was contemptuously referred to as ‘the
toothpicker’.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
wool = to pull the hair of someone in anger. “All the
pleasure of the chase now gave place to pity for the lifeless form which the
dogs were wooling so savagely.” Marion Reid-Girardot, Steve of the Bar-G
wurrah! = an expression of sorrow or anxiety. “Wurrah! Maybe he
wasn’t failin’ roight.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
The rest more or less stumped me. Anyone with an idea,
please feel free to comment below.
long-geared =
“[of a team of horses] The greener swung the long-geared tote team to a stand in front of
the office door.” James Hendryx, The Promise.
pulling it =
“I’d of stood for it, at that, but the
girls got to pullin’ it too raw even for Broadway.” James Hendryx, The
romp and rout =
“As the gay calendar of society’s romp
and rout drew toward
its close, the names of these two became more and more intimately associated.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
thruse = “Battles is won not in th’ thruse, but in th’ foightin’.” James
Hendryx, The Promise.
Image credits:
Wikimedia Commons
Coming up: Jack London, A Daughter of the Snows (1902)
The term Bateau is still used down here, though only by locals. I do see it quite often, though.
ReplyDeleteI've found French terms showing up in fiction set in Canada, just as Spanish infiltrated the Southwest.
DeleteThese are excellent. Actually found a few I'd never heard before.
ReplyDeleteAnother great post - thanks! Do you think "pulling it" would be a shortened version of "pulling my leg"?
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking a stab at it. From the context, I'm guessing it has something to do with loose behavior.
Delete"Dacoit" is an Indian term. I read an account of someone held up by dacoits in the Times of India when I was there a few years ago.
ReplyDeleteI had been familiar with the word from reading Kipling but it tickled me to find it still in use.
Yes, the character using the term had served there in the British forces during the Empire.
DeleteAnother good list... Many I haven't heard. is a "tote team" a set of horses?
ReplyDeleteYes, I believe so.