It takes a while to
realize what this new Josiah Wolfe, Texas Ranger, novel is truly about. Sweazy
has a whole lot more on his mind than the unsuspecting reader is likely to
notice. Count me among the unsuspecting. I must have been almost three-fourths
through it before the pieces began falling together for me.
Josiah Wolfe (as mentioned here earlier) is a complex and interesting character. He fought for
the Confederacy during the Civil War, and his battlefield experiences have left
him somewhat troubled. Bloodshed and death haunt him.
Peace time, such as
it is in post-war Texas, has been no less harsh for him. He has lost his loving
wife and three daughters, all dead from influenza, and his service with the
Texas Rangers keeps him away from his young son. Earlier novels in the series
have told of difficulties that have left others unsure of him. His one partner
is an unseasoned junior Ranger, Scrap Elliott, whose hair-trigger anger makes
him explosive and unpredictable.
Padre Island, Texas coast |
The novel takes an
abrupt turn as Wolfe and Elliott head off together toward the grassy, low-lying
flatlands along the shore. Their job is to act as spies and learn what they
can, but a shooting incident in a cantina suddenly sidelines Wolfe, and he
nearly dies of gunshot wounds. During his convalescence there he becomes
attached to a young woman, Francesca, who cares for him.
Back in the saddle,
he rejoins his company of Rangers, and there is a bloody battle with Cortina’s
men as they attempt to rendezvous with the steamship. A death in that fight
produces another abrupt turn, as Wolfe and Elliott escort the dead man all the
way back to Austin. There he has some personal matters to attend to as he
decides what to do with the rest of his life.
Padre Island, Texas coast |
But in reality, we
know that for some men at least, it comes at a cost. It may haunt them for a
lifetime. As this novel proceeds, Wolfe becomes increasingly burdened by
regret, guilt, and shame. Not a weak or fearful man by any means, he is just a
man. Brave and courageous, as we all hope we might be in his shoes, but a man
all the same.
There is a modern
note of resignation in the novel’s attitude toward war. The Rangers’ battle
against Cortina and his kind of thievery on the US-Mexican border calls to mind
today’s unending “war on drugs” and the pervasive violence along that
particular international boundary. The Rangers’ search and destroy mission on
the alien coastal terrain easily recalls footage of troop movements in foreign
lands on the evening news.
Wolfe continues to
remember the War Between the States with bitterness. The dead and injured in
the battle against Cortina remind him of the depression that follows killing,
how it haunts sleep with dreams of walking with the dead. The war has become a
bad memory without meaning. So are the deaths of his wife and children. It is
an unforgiving world, and these experiences have left Wolfe without belief in a
God or an afterlife.
There is a powerful
scene between Wolfe and the camp doctor and mortician, Verlyn Tinker, a Yankee
who served in the ambulance corps at Antietam. As a doctor, doing what he can
to undo the damage done on the battlefield, he says he has learned to let the
past go. Besides, he says, wars don’t end. New battles and new enemies come
along to take the place of old ones. That is a belief not unfamiliar today.
Texas coast |
Characters are
sharply drawn. Scrap Elliott makes a good contrast with Wolfe. Too young to
have fought in the War Between the States, he imagines the killing fields as a
place to freely release his rage. He is almost unhinged by his hatred of
Mexicans. Easily insulted, he is always ready to explode and make trouble for
himself and Wolfe. His short fuse and immaturity make him a volatile presence
in the narrative. Running out of his usual patience, Wolfe finally socks him in
the face, then regrets it.
The camp doctor,
Tinker, comes across vividly, talking with Wolfe as he goes about his work. An
older man, he has a worldly wisdom and a reassuring depth of character that
calm Wolfe and the patients he’s treating. He also possesses a degree of moral
stature that is reflected in his physical resemblance to Abraham Lincoln.
Western writers tend
to be good about how things look and sound. Sweazy reminds us that the Old West
had its characteristic smells, as well. Riding into the flat grassland along
the Gulf shore, Wolfe and Elliott are ambushed, and “the putrid, rotting smell
of the ground mixed with the metallic blood and the gunpowder.”
Death is often
referred to as having a smell. Baths being infrequent, a man might “smell like
a dead possum that had been baking in the sun.” Longing evokes olfactory
memories, as when Wolfe recalls the scent of a woman’s toilet soap. Hungry, he
is pleased by wood smoke and the smell of meat cooking on a campfire. In the
doctor’s tent, he notes the smell of whiskey being used to clean a wound.
Wrapping up. This is another fine western from the pen of
Larry Sweazy. It’s #6 in the Josiah Wolfe series and reportedly the last. A
review of the previous volume, The Coyote Tracker can be found here. The Gila Wars can currently be found at amazon and
Barnes&Noble in both paper and ebook formats.
![]() |
Larry Sweazy |
Larry Sweazy has
generously agreed to spend some time here to talk about writing and the writing
of The Gila Wars, and I’m
turning the rest of this page over to him.
Larry, we last talked here in August 2012. How have the last
nine months been for you as a writer?
I have started a new Western series that I’m writing for Berkley that will debut in late 2014. It features an ex-Confederate spy, Lucas Fume, who is wrongly imprisoned and must prove his innocence (the title is Vengeance at Sundown). It’s been an interesting challenge writing a new character. With Josiah there was the whole structure and history of Texas and the Texas Rangers to consider, and the loss of his family to deal with.
I have started a new Western series that I’m writing for Berkley that will debut in late 2014. It features an ex-Confederate spy, Lucas Fume, who is wrongly imprisoned and must prove his innocence (the title is Vengeance at Sundown). It’s been an interesting challenge writing a new character. With Josiah there was the whole structure and history of Texas and the Texas Rangers to consider, and the loss of his family to deal with.
Lucas Fume is not affiliated with any organization (by
design), and he’s a single, unmarried man, so the research and emotional
journey has been different. But just as much fun. The structure is different,
too. So, really, the last nine months have been pretty good. It’s always a good
thing for me to know what I’m going to be writing for the next year or two.
I wasn’t sure that this was going to be the last book in the
series when I started to write it, but it felt like it. I had written all of
the Josiah Wolfe books sequentially, so I was ready for an end of some kind, or
a new start creatively, even if it was just a break. Anyway, that was in my
mind, and I wanted to wrap some things up that had started in book #1, The
Rattlesnake Season, and had kind of arced
through the series without full resolution.
And there was the Red Raid just sitting out there in history
to frame the story around. It worked with my timeline. Cortina had played a
role in the earlier books, so the event seemed perfect to bring things to as
much of a close as was possible.
Did the story come to you all at once or was that a more complex part of the process?
My process is usually to outline a few chapters ahead, but I
knew the end to this book from the start, so I worked my way through the events
that had to happen historically, and within the structure of the story. There
were a lot of surprises for me along the way—which I always welcome. I hope
that sense of surprise translates to the reader.
Is the published version of the novel closely similar to your first draft, or was the revision process extensive?
Is the published version of the novel closely similar to your first draft, or was the revision process extensive?
There were changes in the editorial process. There always
are. I’m so close to Josiah, and the story, that it’s easy for me to be blind
to some holes, or lack of character development. I think I’ve said this before,
but I’m happy to work with my editor, Faith Black. She came in mid-way through
the process of book #2, The Scorpion Trail,
and her input has really helped shape the series into what it is.
And, of course, my wife, Rose, is my first reader and editor
in her own right, and has her opinions, too. My agent, Cherry Weiner, has had
input along the way, and I’ve been really fortunate to have the same
copy-editor, designer, and cover artist for the entire series. That’s made a
difference, I think. The continuity of everyone involved has been a great help
to me as a writer. Publishing a novel is more of a community effort, instead of
a solitary one, than most people realize.
Did anything about the story or the characters surprise you as you were writing?
Did anything about the story or the characters surprise you as you were writing?

There was always a thin line between the white hat and black
hat within the early Texas Ranger organization, and I wanted that to come through
in my stories. These were real, fallible men, who, sometimes, came up on the
outlaw end of the gun. That’s what makes both of these characters so
interesting to me. They live on the edge, on the border of good and bad.
The romantic sub-plot dominates the first third of the novel. Talk about how that happened.
That was another surprise. I wasn’t sure how Josiah would react to his Dear John letter from Pearl Fikes (I’m not giving anything away, this is mentioned on the back cover). Francesca appeared, and she is completely different from Pearl. Given Josiah’s situation, being vulnerable after the letter, and being shot, one thing leads to another. But the relationship isn’t easy. Nothing, especially love, for Josiah, ever is.
The romantic sub-plot dominates the first third of the novel. Talk about how that happened.
That was another surprise. I wasn’t sure how Josiah would react to his Dear John letter from Pearl Fikes (I’m not giving anything away, this is mentioned on the back cover). Francesca appeared, and she is completely different from Pearl. Given Josiah’s situation, being vulnerable after the letter, and being shot, one thing leads to another. But the relationship isn’t easy. Nothing, especially love, for Josiah, ever is.
Both Scrap and Tinker are strongly drawn characters. Talk a bit about where they came from.
I think I touched on Scrap a little earlier with the PTSD, but he continued to evolve for me. His rage gets him in trouble, but I think under all of that anger is a scared little boy who just wants acceptance, not unlike a lot of young men who are put in dire circumstances that they’re unprepared for. Tinker is one of those characters that just kind of walks on stage and takes over. He could have his own novel.
Most of the time Josiah is the parent, or the responsible
one, but he needs calm guidance and tended to,just like everyone else in
certain situations. Tinker provided that in spades. Wisdom in war comes at a
cost. We really don’t know much of Tinker’s story, but there’s no question that
it’s been bloody and pain-filled. Somehow, Tinker has chosen to walk a
forgiving path, and Josiah needed to see that forgiveness, even for himself was
possible, that he could carry on with some kind of sanity, and lead a productive
What parts of the novel gave you the most pleasure to write?
Navigational map of Texas shoreline, 1864 |
Were you thinking of any other writers while writing this one?
Interesting question. My influences run from John Steinbeck
to Elmore Leonard. I really never try to channel any of the authors I admire
when I write, but maybe it comes through, I don’t know.
Animals figure in all the Josiah Wolfe titles. How did you settle on the title for this one?
The original idea was to use animals native to Texas in the titles. I’ve adhered to that idea for all six books in the series. I owe this title to Loren D. Estleman, to whom the book is dedicated. He was half-joking with me one day about my titles, and kind of challenged me to come up with Gila monsters for one… And there you have it. I’m always up for a challenge.
Animals figure in all the Josiah Wolfe titles. How did you settle on the title for this one?
The original idea was to use animals native to Texas in the titles. I’ve adhered to that idea for all six books in the series. I owe this title to Loren D. Estleman, to whom the book is dedicated. He was half-joking with me one day about my titles, and kind of challenged me to come up with Gila monsters for one… And there you have it. I’m always up for a challenge.
Will we see Josiah Wolfe again, or is he gone for good? And how do you feel about that?
The door’s not all of the way closed for future Josiah Wolfe novels. Never say never. But for now, I’m finished with the series. It’s kind of bittersweet for me because Josiah was my first novel and my first series character, but to grow as a writer, I really feel I need to write other characters, other novels, in different settings and times for that matter, to stay fresh. I may revisit the universe Josiah inhabits someday.
Gulf coast of Texas |
What are you reading now?
I just finished reading Death of a Citizen by Donald Hamilton. It’s the first Matt Helm novel,
and it was just an excellent read. Somehow, I had missed these books, probably
because I thought they were like the campy 1960s Dean Martin movies. Nothing
could be further from the truth, and I know better than judge a book by its
movie. Apples and oranges. I’m really glad I read it, and it was helpful as a
source of research for the novel I’m currently writing. Spies are spies no
matter the era…
What can your readers expect from you next?
What can your readers expect from you next?
The Lucas Fume novel I spoke of. Look for it in late 2014,
followed by another in 2015. Beyond that, I’m not sure what I’ll be doing, but
rest assured, I’ll be writing something that challenges me.
For readers who like your work, which other writers would you recommend to them?
Loren D. Estleman, Jory Sherman, Johnny D. Boggs, and Elmore Leonard’s Westerns for starters. The list is longer than that because there are lot of really good writers working in the Western field today. I really prefer to read writers that are still alive. We need to buy their books so they can continue to write, and tell the stories of the West like only they can. With no disrespect to the writers of the past, on whose shoulders we all stand, I still read those books, too, but that’s what I’ll tell them to read—writers that are still alive.
For readers who like your work, which other writers would you recommend to them?
Loren D. Estleman, Jory Sherman, Johnny D. Boggs, and Elmore Leonard’s Westerns for starters. The list is longer than that because there are lot of really good writers working in the Western field today. I really prefer to read writers that are still alive. We need to buy their books so they can continue to write, and tell the stories of the West like only they can. With no disrespect to the writers of the past, on whose shoulders we all stand, I still read those books, too, but that’s what I’ll tell them to read—writers that are still alive.
Anything we didn’t cover you’d like to comment on?
Thanks for the in-depth reviews of my Josiah Wolfe novels,
Ron, it is greatly appreciated. Your passion for the Western is contagious.
Thanks, Larry.
Every success.
Photo credits: Wikimedia Commons
Coming up: Willa Cather, The Troll Garden (1905)
Thanks, Ron...
ReplyDeleteRon, one of the reasons I enjoy reading your reviews of westerns is your sharp understanding of the West and its history, as evident in this and previous posts. I also enjoyed reading your detailed interview with Larry D. Sweazy whose novels I haven't read yet but intend to soon. It's a reminder that I ought to read more contemporary Western authors than I do now.
ReplyDeleteThat's a part of Texas I'd like to explore some winter.
ReplyDeleteI've always appreciated Larry's history. Delightful post, guys. Well done.
ReplyDeleteAnother fine review and interview, gents. Readers are lucky for having the Wolfe series, and for what promises to be another fine run from Larry D. Sweazy!
ReplyDeleteThanks, guys. I appreciate the encouragement...